For any questions, commission requests, PR enquiries or just to say “hello!” please email aimee @
- Before messaging, please read the FAQ at the bottom of the page to see if your question is answered there.
- For cookbook queries, please check the Cookbook FAQ page first.
Can I use your photo or recipe?
Happy for people to link to my recipes and/or one photograph, providing you include credit and the direct link to my page without copying my content.
Please do not copy and paste my recipes elsewhere, as I work hard to create them and always appreciate when someone links to it elsewhere, instead of copying it.
Thank you!
Can we send you send you free products / samples?
If you have a product you think would fit well in some of my recipes, I am often happy to try them. Sometimes I will share a mention on my blog, if I genuinely enjoy it but cannot guarantee this will be the case.
I do not work or create recipes in exchange for products.